this is the first synopsis I wrote, because of filming we had to change this.
my film begins with a mid shot of me reading out a news report, with the green screen behind me with a news reporter back ground, and then me being projected onto an old fashioned TV. the camera then zooms in onto me reading a news report about a missing child anniversary one year today. In the news report I will mention that it is Halloween, to make the audience aware, also explain how the killer of the young boy is still out there and may strike again. There is then a graveyard mid shot of a grave, this will quick flash to the different graves, and then a quick shot of the killer (jess) with a mask on. Then there will be a cut to a happy, fun Halloween party, there will be banners, sweets, kids, food, games etc., showing everyone having a good time. The next scene is cut to a dark scary woods, where the killer is around in the mask, scampering off behind trees and being creepy, this Is the killer who killed the young boy a year ago today on Halloween, and he's out to do the same this year. After cutting back to the news report saying 'be careful this Halloween, he is still out there' there is a cut to the killers black gloves knocking on the door of the party, the film will end there.
Here is the updated version of my synopsis..
My film begins with a news report, this is done with a green screen and a news report background is put in as the background. The news report is talking about a one year anniversary of a little girl who died and the murder is still a mystery, the news report urges anyone to get in contact so they can find the killer, in which they believe there are two of them, that stalked the young girl so they knew her everyday life.There is then a series of shots of a young girl doing day to day activities, walking home, walking in to school, but in the corner, secretly hiding/watching is one of the killers that the girl is completely unaware of. These shots are shown through a shot that is called 'mask', hence why there is a black circle around the shots, as the other killer is watching her too. The last shot you see of the young girl is walking into her house... The next shot is one of the killers knocking on the door of the young girl with a knife. There is then a flash back to the news report but this time it is an emergency announcement, that another little girl has been killed and it is the same MO as the young girl a year a go today. The next shot is the killer leaving the house with a bloody knife, laughing. The last shot cuts to the killer stood over the young girls grave he has killed, creepily staring...
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