Monday, 5 October 2015

Stick Up For Me

This film is called stick up for my by a previous student called Sarah Johnson. It is about a girl who is being bullied and then finds out her only friend she thought she had was one of the bullies. I chose to analyse this film because there was a lot of things that I liked about it, in particular I liked that the texts that the character were texting were on the screen, I think this worked well and it worked for the target audience, younger people due to it using slang and smiley faces and things. I also liked the whole storyline of it, I think people our age can see that things like this do happen. I liked the silhouette used of the mystery person she was texting, this is a simple but effective way to show a conversation between the two of them however I wont be able to cooperate this into my film. There were a few shots used where I thought it looked a bit messy, by this I mean there were things in the background or a shadow that you could see, I think without these it would of looked more professional. The music over the top worked well, it almost made us feel more upset for the girl. There are a few camera angles I will use in my short film that i copied, like the over the shoulder shot that was used, along with the black and white affect that was given too, I think the black and white affect made it more sad and we felt more sorry for the girl.


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