This final girl theory was create by a woman named Carol Clover. The final girl is a trope in thriller and horror films, particularly slasher films. It refers to the last woman alive to confront the killer, ostensibly the one left to tell the story. The final girl has been observed in a lot of films such as alien, Halloween, a nightmare on elm street and Friday the 13th.
The term was coined by Carol clover in her book men, women and chainsaws: gender in modern horror film. She suggested in these films the viewer began by sharing the perspective of the killer, but experienced a shift in identification to the final girl partway through the film.
An example of this is as follows. Buffy Summers, the protagonist of the buffy vampire slayer, the TV series, was deliberately designed by the creator Joss Whedon as an alternative to the 'final girl' cliché. Buffy is subverting the final girl trope of horror films. Jason Middleton observes that although buffy for fills the monster killing role of the final girl, she is the opposite of Carol Clovers descriptions of a final girl in maydays. Buffy is a cheerleader, a beautiful blonde with a feminine first name and get the have sex with the boys and still kill the monster. I think with examples like this it can really support or undermine carols theory.
With my horror film, I think it is too risky to try and undermine any of the theories so I am going to go with what I think people will enjoy and understand. In my horror film the poor young girl does get killed and the killer does win, like we would expect in a normal horror film I just don't think the final girl theory would work for my short film.
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