How did you use your media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
From this slideshare I talk about the different ways in which I used media technologies for all of my finished products through each different stage. I think I was very dependent on technology, especially for my short film. Furthermore for my film poster and review page I was dependent on the programme softwares such as pixlr and pic monkey, even if it was something little like cropping something out, to something extreme like having to change a colour correction of a tiny specific bit of a picture. If it wasn't these technologies I don't think any of my final finished products would look anything like they do. I think a lot of technology and editing in short films is ok as it is a small audience and there isn't really a purpose to them however I think in mainstream feature films too much editing and special effects takes away the whole excitement of seeing the movie. I thin it works in some films however it can be overided and loose the point of the film however sadly I do think technology is only improving and therefore is the future.
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