In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Here I have deconstructed my film poster and explained the different conventions I used and why. With my film poster I hardly challenged the conventions of the specific horror genre I followed them from real texts and included them in my own media products. I looked at existing horror film posters such as 'v for vendetta', 'housebound', the 'eye' and I began to look at different conventions that they used and why. I had to keep in mind my target audience so therefore anyone 15+ and ensure that the things I was including on the front are suitable for them. Within this poster I have been completely conventional, I have done this as I believe there is more of an audience for mainstream, conventional films rather than unique, niche audience films. I have also been completely conventional because it then means there is more existing films I can look at and compare my work to to get more ideas.
Here is my film review page that I have again deconstructed to identify the different conventions and forms of a horror film review page. Again with this one I haven't challenge the forms and conventions, I have followed them and used them. I looked at existing film review pages such as 'the empire','screen','new films','time out' and adapted different conventions from them. I looked at how the layout in the columns were done and how they structured the pages. I used this to them write my introduction, talk about the storyline, add in any spoilers, talk about the characters in the film. I developed the different forms and conventions, I made things like colour schemes, fonts used, columns used all suitable for my target audience as well. I ensured the type of language I was using and the words I was using my target audience would understand.
In this picture above I have print screened the 3 different characters in which were in my short film. I have done this as I wanted to show that I have followed real conventions of short films and I have followed and not challenged these. I found that because it was a short film one of the conventions that was common in all of them wasn't more than 5 characters so in my case I used 3 maximum characters including myself.
In these next 5 pictures I am showing print screens of my different locations in which I used. This is another real convention of real media texts, so existing short films I have looked at. As we had limited budget this also limited where we could film so I decided to use my school, use the green screen, use a local graveyard and use a random woods with a park in. I found even though these were limited they were still effective and I didn't challenge the forms and conventions of real media texts.
Another convention I followed was limited time and dialogue. The only dialogue I had n my short film was right at the beginning and then right at the end within my newsflashes. I ound this was then easier to add creepy sound to make it more effective. As it is a 'SHORT' film I kept it at a time of 2 minutes 50 seconds which was what we aimed to do, this is an obvious convention I am following hence the word 'short'.
In conclusion, in all 3 of my media products I haven't challenged any of the conventions or forms. I done this for several reasons but I think overall mainstream films are morehighl rated, more highly understood and therefore work better for people. My texts fufil theories such as the 'uses in gratifications' theory which is about how people use media for the gratification of their needs. It propounds that people chose what they want to see or read and the different media compete to satisfy each individuals needs. This relates as it is basically saying people prefer to go and watch a film, or read a review or see a film poster that they understand, that they don't have to think too far in to it and it is light and easy to get. This is why I believe following the conventions and the almost 'norms' of existing movies and posters works and will continue to work, because people know what to expect!
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