Inner form (thematic)
Themes, morals, messages, characters, typical storylines.
Outer form (iconography)
Location, mise en scene, colours, marketing. e.g - film posters
sci - fi inner form; good VS bad, save others worlds, a mission to complete, seeing into the future, space, time travelling.
sci - fi outer form; futuristic, location, metallic colours, technology, gadget's, aliens, other worlds.
horror inner form; ghosts, demons, possession, children can be the victims, documentary based on real life events/ true story.
horror outer form; blood dark places, not a lot of lighting, maybe a candle light, dolls, knives mirrors, babies, toys, clowns, red, black.
rom com inner form; happy, friends, fall in love, romance, typical high school crush,humorous sidekick,
rom come outer form; American, graduation , prom, cities, big well known buildings, teenage parties, train stations.
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