This blog post is showing the different film posters I took ideas from to make my own. The main one is the middle one called the babadook. I liked the quotes on either side of the main image so I decided to do this on mine. I also liked what the little film quotes said like "truly frightening" so I used these on mine. I also then used the stars underneath and added the star ratings of my film and then who the review was from. I also then needed to add in my age restriction so people could see what age it was, mine is a 15 which means you need to be 15 to watch it. I noticed on most of the film posters I looked at specifically in the horror genre they always have a main image in the centre of the poster, standing out this is mostly the main character in the film, or the killer. These images are also really zoomed in which is what I done with mine. I also noticed the colour scheme in most of the existing ones are red black and white, these are the colours I used in mine to connote different things. We got our inspiration from the mask from the original film "V for Vendetta" which is a killer horror film that we liked the look of the mask from (top right) as it was a bit more interesting than the original scream mask. We didn't want to copy the v FOR vendetta film poster completely so we used the lighting differently and had different fonts.
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